Why Are You Finding Ants In Bathrooms And Bedrooms? What You Can Do
Ants will go anywhere where they can find food. They can travel far to find food and will take it back to their colony. If you are spotting ants in other areas of your home where there isn't any food, it doesn't mean there is a food source there; it could be a place they are passing through. Ants can be found anywhere in your home, so don't be alarmed if you find them in a bedroom. If you do find them in other areas of your home, read on for what you can do.
Set Traps Where They're Seen
Just because they aren't eating in your bedroom or basement, they are still passing through, and the colony may be located in one of these areas. Set traps in these areas to trap the ants and kill them on their way through. You can also sprinkle a poisonous all-natural pesticide such as diatomaceous earth that the ants will take back to their colony and hopefully kill the queen. If you are seeing ants anywhere in your home, set the traps wherever you see them.
Call A Professional
Ants all over your home can also indicate a bigger issue. You could have an infestation of ants in your home, so it may be best to call in a professional pest control company to help you get rid of your ant issue. A pest control technician can figure out where the ants are coming in from and where the colony is located to better get rid of the ants in your home and help prevent them from coming back again. If you don't get rid of all of them, you'll end up with a problem again in no time at all.
Seal Your Home
Be sure your home is sealed against ants and other pests. If you have a broken door or window seal, it can give pests such as ants an easy entry into your home. Be sure your home is sealed against these or other pests. If you aren't sure if your home is properly sealed against ants and other pests, a pest control company can help inspect your home and show you what should be done to prevent pests.
If you are finding ants in other areas of your home, instead of the likely places where food is located, you could have an infestation. Call in a professional ant control company to get rid of the ants.