
Creating A Positive Environment

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Creating A Positive Environment

When you are going through your home tiding things up, it can be discouraging to discover a pest control problem. From loose bugs scattering around to droppings, it's never fun to feel like there are more occupants in your home than you knew about. Fortunately, by working with an exterminator, you can make short work of pest issues. In a few simple sessions, you can eradicate pests on contact, making it easier to protect your home and family. On this website, check out all of the different ways you can enjoy a cleaner, safer home with the help of a pest control professional.



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Three Do-It-Yourself Tricks For Rodent Control

Dealing with a rodent infestation can be a frustrating and unsettling experience for any homeowner. While professional pest control services are effective, there are also several do-it-yourself (DIY) tricks you can try to help manage and prevent rodent problems in your home. Here are three DIY techniques for rodent control.

1. Seal Entry Points and Eliminate Food Sources

Prevention is key when it comes to rodent control. Start by inspecting the exterior of your home for potential entry points that rodents could use to gain access. Seal any cracks, gaps, or holes in walls, windows, and doors using steel wool, caulk, or wire mesh. Pay attention to areas where utility pipes or cables enter your home.

Rodents are attracted to easily accessible sources of food. Keep your home clean and well-maintained by promptly cleaning up crumbs and spills, storing food in airtight containers, and regularly emptying your trash bins. Removing potential food sources makes your home less appealing to rodents and can help deter them from entering in the first place.

2. Homemade Rodent Repellents

Several natural ingredients can act as effective rodent repellents. Peppermint oil, for example, is known for its strong scent that rodents find unpleasant. Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them in areas where rodents are likely to enter or nest. Refresh the oil every few weeks to maintain its potency.

Similarly, a mixture of white vinegar and water can be used as a cleaning solution to eliminate rodent odors and discourage their presence. Spraying this mixture around entry points and potential nesting areas can help deter rodents from getting comfortable in your home.

3. DIY Traps and Bait

Creating your own rodent traps and bait stations can be an effective way to capture and eliminate these pests. One simple trap involves placing sticky glue traps in areas where rodents are active. These traps can catch mice or rats as they attempt to move across them.

For a DIY bait station, mix a small amount of peanut butter with baking soda. Rodents are attracted to the peanut butter scent, and when they ingest the mixture, the baking soda reacts with their stomach acid, causing discomfort. This natural approach can help reduce the rodent population in your home.

While professional pest control services are often the most efficient solution for rodent infestations, these DIY tricks can provide some relief and help prevent further issues. If you are not successful in removing these pests on your own, hire a licensed pest control service to help you.